Table 2. Brief Descriptions of Qualitative Data Sources
Data sourceDescriptionParticipants
Practice narrativesOpen-ended responses to structured questions; completed by practice personnel (staff or providers)51 practices (39 family medicine, 7 general internal medicine, 5 general pediatrics)
QI advisors focus group discussionSemistructured focus group discussion; facilitated by the evaluation team; in person1 group discussion (all 5 QI advisors plus 1 technical analyst)
REC focus group discussionSemistructured focus group discussion; facilitated by the evaluation team; by teleconference1 group discussion with REC staff/leadership (6 staff from the REC, including executive staff)
Provider and staff interviewsSemistructured individual or paired interviews; facilitated by the evaluation team; by teleconference or in person13 interviews (9 family medicine, 2 general internal medicine, 2 general pediatrics; included 7 providers, 9 staff overall; 3 interviews included both)
  • REC, regional extension center; QI, quality improvement.