Table 2. Adjusted Associations Between Prostate-Specific Antigen Screening and Sociodemographic and Screening-Related Factors Among Men Aged 70 Years or Older, National Health Interview Survey 2010
Percentage*95% Confidence IntervalP
Age, years.086
    Non-Hispanic white45.641.3–49.9Reference
    Non-Hispanic black36.326.8–47.0.910
    Non-Hispanic other31.520.2–45.6.562
    Less than high school38.831.5–46.7Reference
    High school graduate41.135.1–47.5.650
    Some college44.837.6–52.3.255
    College graduate51.142.9–59.2.030
Marital status.001
    Married or living with partner47.442.9–51.9Reference
    Widowed, divorced, or separated34.729.0–40.8<.001
    Never married36.522.9–52.7.177
Usual source of medical care.062
Family history of prostate cancer.243
    1 disease46.841.3–52.5.069
    2 diseases41.134.0–48.6.679
    ≥3 diseases47.939.9–55.9.095
Had any cancers excluding prostate cancer?.284
Discussed scientific uncertainties.102
Discussed advantages/disadvantages<.001
    Advantages only57.448.9–65.4<.001
    Disadvantages only24.15.0–65.5.545
  • * Percentages of the population estimates were adjusted for the National Health Interview Survey sampling design.

  • Wald χ2 test when the P value is located on a row of a main effect. P values for a general linear contrast comparing a row's percentage to its reference level are located on the level (category) within the main effect using t test statistics.

  • Percentages should be interpreted with caution because the relative standard error is >30%.