Table 2. Worksheet Used by Promotores to Code Their Patient Encounters
Instructions: Using your Presencia Viva ICF cards, reflect on what you know about the patient. Review the ICF domains in the form and write a sentence that captures what happened in the Nosotros story under the appropriate subdomain. Check a qualifier (impairment, functional or flourishing) that best describes the patient's current state. Be ready to share the story behind your coding. Code only what is touched by the story. Use your little ICF book to find more specific codes if needed.
DomainSubdomainsImpairment (1–4)FunctionalFlourishing
d1 Learning and practicing what was learnedd11. Paying attention with the senses
d13. Basic learning
d16. Putting to practice what was learned
d2 General tasks and demandsd22. Carrying out tasks
d23. Making plans and completing them
d24.Handling stress
d4 Mobilityd41. Changing body position
d42. Transferring oneself
d43. Lifting and carrying objects
d44. Fine hand use
d45. Walking
d46. Moving around in different locations
d465. Moving around using equipment
d47. Using transportation
d475. Driving
d5 Self-cared51. Washing one self
d52. Caring for body parts
d53. Toileting
d54. Dressing
d55. Eating
d56. Drinking
d5700. Ensuring one's physical comfort (link to zoom-in)
d5701. Managing diet and fitness
d5702. Maintaining one's health (link to clinical care)
d6 Domestic lifed61. Acquiring a place to live
d62. Acquiring products and services for daily living
d63. Preparing meals
d64. Doing housework
d65. Caring for household objects
d56. Assisting others
d8 Major life areasd81.Informal education
d82. School education (up to high school)
d83. Higher education
d84.Work preparation, apprenticeship
d845 Getting, keeping and terminating a job
d850. Paid employment part or full time
d855. Work without pay
d860. Basic economic transactions
d865. Complex economic transactions
d8700. Personal economic self-sufficiency
d8701. Public economic entitlements
d9 Community, social and civic lifed9100. Informal associations
d9101. Formal associations (unions, professional, etc.)
d9102. Ceremonies
d9200. Play
d9201. Sports
d9202. Arts and culture
d9203. Crafts
d9204. Hobbies
d9205. Socializing
d9300. Organized religion
d9301. Spirituality
d940. Human rights
d950. Political life and citizenship
  • ICF, International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health.