Table 2. Size, Ownership, and Stage of Health Information Technology (HIT) in Medical Offices in Sample
Total SampleSmall (3–15)Medium (16–40)Large (41–70)Very Large (> 70)P (vs Provider Owned)
    Provider/physician78 (25)38 (32)30 (26)7 (15)3 (14)
    Hospital or health system133 (38)70 (58)42 (36)16 (34)5 (23).9012
    University or academic61 (20)7 (6)35 (30)17 (36)2 (9).9480
    Government25 (8)2 (2)7 (6)5 (11)11 (50)<.0001
    Other9 (3)3 (3)3 (3)2 (4)1 (5).8959
HIT implementation stageP (vs Full Implementation)
    Low16 (5)9 (8)6 (5)1 (2)0 (0).9988
    Partial86 (28)38 (32)32 (27)11 (23)5 (23).9220
    High109 (36)41 (34)36 (31)14 (45)11 (50).1970
    Full95 (31)32 (27)43 (37)14 (30)6 (27)
Totals306120 (39)117 (38)47 (15)22 (7)
  • Data provided as n (%).

  • * Differences in size associated with category were assessed through ordinal regression of office size category (from Table 1) on ownership type or HIT stage. Reported P values are adjusted for multiple comparisons (Tukey).

  • Implementation stages were averaged for 5 capabilities as described in the text.