Table 2. Grit Scales and Subscales by Practice Location and Medical Training
Scale/ SubscaleRural PrimaryRural SpecialtyNonrural PrimaryNonrural SpecialtyFP
No.Mean (SD)No.Mean (SD)No.Mean (SD)No.Mean (SD)
Grit scale813.29 (0.35)603.30 (0.28)1653.26 (0.31)2303.31 (0.36)0.68.57
Consistency of interest842.39 (0.65)622.35 (0.52)1672.44 (0.60)2362.37 (0.61)0.52.67
Perseverance of effort834.14 (0.43)624.23 (0.38)1664.09* (0.52)2324.25* (0.44)4.25.006
Brief grit843.23 (0.34)623.20 (0.30)1663.25 (0.29)2313.25 (0.36)0.60.61
Ambition853.51 (0.45)633.63 (0.42)1673.42* (0.51)2373.63* (0.47)7.12<.001
  • Means with the same superscripts symbols (*nonrural; †rural vs. nonrural) are significantly different at P < .05 based on Bonferroni post hoc comparisons.

  • SD, standard deviation.