Table 1. Chart Information Obtained before and after the Quality Improvement Intervention
Before InterventionAfter Intervention (≥2 Months Later)
Documentation of informed consent about medication (ACE-I, ARB, or statin) risksDocumentation of informed consent about medication (ACE-I, ARB, or statin) risks
Active prescription for ACE-I, ARB, or statin medicationsActive prescription for ACE-I, ARB, or statin medications
Contraceptive methods (surgical and nonsurgical)Contraceptive methods (surgical and nonsurgical)
Menopausal statusDocumentation of quality improvement intervention in the time since the first abstraction
Diagnosis of hypertension, diabetes, or hypercholesterolemiaDocumentation of changes in contraceptive methods, medications (ACE-I, ARB, or statin), or both
Patient demographics, including age, insurance, and marital status
Number of visits and number of providers seen at the clinic during the past 12 months
Prescriber type (eg, faculty provider, resident provider, nurse practitioner)
  • ACE-I, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker.