Access to care: be there when we need you |
Appointment access
After-hours appointments
Telephone advice
Electronic access
Prescription refills
Accountability: take responsibility for making sure we receive the best possible health care |
Performance improvement
Cost and utilization
Performance improvement
Clinical quality improvement
Public reporting
Ambulatory sensitive utilization
Comprehensive whole person care: provide or help us get the health care, information, and services we need | Scope of services |
Preventive services
Medical services
Mental health and substance abuse services
Health risk behavior assessment and intervention
Continuity: be our partner over time in caring for us |
Provider continuity
Information continuity
Geographic continuity
Personal clinician assignment
Personal clinician continuity
Organization of clinical information
Clinical information exchange
Specialized care settings (hospital)
Coordination and integration: help us navigate the health care system to get the care we need in a safe and timely way |
Data management
Care coordination
Care planning
Population data management
Electronic health record
Care coordination
Test and result tracking
Referral and specialty care coordination
Comprehensive care planning 7. End of life planning
Person and family centered care: recognize that we are the most important part of the care team and that we are ultimately responsible for our overall health and wellness |
Communication of roles and responsibilities
Interpreter services
Education and self-management support
Patient experience survey