Table 1. Comparison of Screening Status By Respondent Demographic Characteristics
Not Current With CRC ScreeningCurrent With CRC ScreeningP
Age, years (n =622)
    50–59121 (46.4)140 (53.6).002
    60–6992 (38.3)148 (61.7)
    70–7933 (27.3)88 (72.7)
Sex (n = 623)
    Female178 (39.5)273 (60.5).779
    Male70 (40.7)102 (59.3)
Race* (n = 615)
    African American60 (49.6)61 (50.4).009
    White181 (36.6)313 (63.4)
Marital status (n = 562)
    Not married83 (41.3)118 (58.7).171
    Married or member of unmarried couple128 (35.5)233 (64.5)
Education (n = 562)
    Some high school or less47 (43.9)60 (56.1).005
    High school graduate, GED, or some college135 (40.2)201 (59.8)
    College graduate30 (25.2)89 (74.8)
Insurance status (n = 563)
    No health care insurance coverage47 (74.6)16 (25.4)<.0001
    Health care insurance coverage167 (33.4)333 (66.6)
Personal doctor (n = 562)
    Does not have personal doctor34 (85.0)6 (15.0)<.0001
    Does have personal doctor179 (34.3)343 (65.7)
County (n = 627)
    McDuffie164 (42.8)219 (57.2).036
    Screven84 (34.4)160 (65.6)
Knows family member with CRC (n = 561)
    Family member without CRC190 (40.4)280 (59.6).006
    Family member with CRC23 (25.3)68 (74.7)
Knows person with CRC (n = 558)
    No known person with CRC130 (43.2)171 (56.8).003
    Knows person with CRC80 (31.1)177 (68.9)
Worried about CRC (n = 558)
    No worry about CRC177 (37.8)291 (62.2).557
    Worries about CRC37 (41.1)53 (58.9)
Perceived risk of CRC compared to others (n = 365)
    Lower than men or women same age30 (33.3)60 (66.7).015
    Same as men or women same age83 (44.4)104 (55.6)
    Higher than men or women same age24 (27.3)64 (72.7)
  • Values shown as n (%). χ2 analyses were conducted for the above factors.

  • * Other races not included in analyses because of small sample size (n = 7).

  • CRC, colorectal cancer; GED, general education development certificate.