Table 3. AD8 Dementia Screening Interview
Yes, a Change*No, No ChangeN/A, Don't Know
1. Problems with judgment (eg, problems making decisions, bad financial decisions, problems with thinking)
2. Less interest in hobbies/activities
3. Repeats the same things over and over (questions, stories, or statements)
4. Trouble learning how to use a tool, appliance, or gadget (eg, VCR, computer, microwave, remote control)
5. Forgets correct month or year
6. Trouble handling complicated financial affairs (eg, balancing checkbook, income taxes, paying bills)
7. Trouble remembering appointments
8. Daily problems with thinking, memory, or both
  • * “Yes, a change” indicates that there has been a change in the last several years caused by cognitive (thinking and memory) problems.

  • Scores of 0 to 1 indicate normal cognition; scores of ≥2 indicate that cognitive impairment is likely to be present.

  • AD8, 8-item Ascertain Dementia screening.

  • Adapted with permission from Galvin J et al. Neurology 2006;67:1942–8. © 2006 AAN Enterprises, Inc.63