Table 4.

Colorectal Cancer Screening Test Planning, Ordering, and Completion by Whether and How Providers Discussed Colorectal Cancer Screening

OutcomeOverallCRC Screening DiscussionP
No DiscussionScreening Discussed Without Addressing Behavioral ConstructsOne or More Constructs Addressed
Advancement in stage of readiness to undergo CRC screening (N = 40)*22/40 (55)1/8 (13)8/11 (73)13/21 (62).03
CRC screening ordered (N = 50)31/50 (62)0/12 (0)9/12 (75)22/26 (85)<.001
CRC completed (N = 50)17/50 (33)0/12 (0)8/12 (67)9/26 (35).001
  • Values provide as n/N (%).

  • * Defined as more advanced stage of readiness with regard to a CRC screening test after the visit (compared with before the visit); the analysis for this outcome was restricted to the 40 patients who did not report on questionnaires before the visit that they were planning to undergo fecal occult blood testing and colonoscopy.

  • CRC, colorectal cancer.