Table 4.

Bivariate Associations between Diabetes Status* and Screening Examinations for Those in and outside of Appalachia, Kentucky Residents 2008

Screening TestAppalachian ResidentNon-Appalachian Resident
Women, age ≥23 years
    Papanicolaou test within 2 years
        With diabetes1560.0.344269.1.11
        Without diabetes9072.228379.9
    Papanicolaou test within 3 years
        With diabetes1560.0.114273.8.03
        Without diabetes9078.928386.6
Women, age ≥42 years
    Regular mammography
        With diabetes2259.0.126672.7.05
        Without diabetes8775.931383.1
    Mammography within 2 years
        With diabetes2365.2.377067.1.07
        Without diabetes9474.532877.4
Men and women, age ≥52 years
    FOBT within 2 years
        With diabetes3228.1.569622.9.41
        Without diabetes10023.036619.1
    Colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy within 10 years
        With diabetes3141.9.469870.4.28
        Without diabetes10149.536464.6
  • Bold values indicate P≤ .05.

  • * Patients with diabetes are subjects who have ever been told by a health professional that they had diabetes. Patients without diabetes are subjects who have not ever been told by a health professional that they had diabetes.

  • Frequency differs across strata because of age and sex eligibility and missing data.

  • FOBT, fecal occult blood test.