Table 1.

Characteristics of Clinicians Participating in the Survey (N = 497), Including Comparison of Those Responding to Either the Long-Version Survey or the Short Version*

ParticipantsP Value
    SF Bay CRN134 (27.0%)118 (27.6%)16 (22.9%)<.001
    SERCN24 (4.8%)17 (4.0%)7 (10.0%)
    BIGHORN42 (8.5%)38 (8.9%)4 (5.7%)
    CaReNet93 (18.7%)87 (20.4%)6 (8.6%)
    RIOS Net125 (25.2%)117 (27.4%)8 (11.4%)
    SPUR-Net79 (15.9%)50 (11.7%)29 (41.4%)
Geographic setting
    Small town, ≤ 25K pop.79 (16.8%)74 (18.4%)5 (7.2%).05
    Medium town, > 25K pop.40 (8.5%)36 (9.0%)4 (5.8%)
    City 100K–500K pop.54 (11.5%)45 (11.2%)9 (13.0%)
    Urban/Suburban > 500K pop.134 (28.5%)116 (28.9%)18 (26.1%)
    Urban inner city > 500K pop.164 (34.8%)131 (32.6%)33 (47.8%)
Clinic type
    Community health center200 (42.2%)169 (41.7%)31 (44.9%).03
    Indian health service34 (7.2%)34 (8.4%)0 (0.0%)
    Solo practitioner23 (4.9%)21 (5.2%)2 (2.9%)
    University practice125 (26.4%)101 (24.9%)24 (34.8%)
    Other group practice92 (19.4%)80 (19.8%)12 (17.4%)
Clinician training
    MD402 (85.0%)339 (83.9%)63 (91.3%).75
    DO14 (3.0%)13 (3.2%)1 (1.4%)
    NP24 (5.1%)22 (5.4%)2 (2.9%)
    PA31 (6.6%)28 (6.9%)3 (4.3%)
    Other degree2 (0.4%)2 (0.5%)0 (0.0%)
Years since completed training
    N/A29 (6.2%)25 (6.2%)4 (5.8%).85
    <5 years77 (16.3%)65 (16.2%)12 (17.4%)
    5 to 10 years101 (21.4%)83 (20.6%)18 (26.1%)
    11 to 20 years145 (30.8%)125 (31.1%)20 (29.0%)
    >20 years119 (25.3%)104 (25.9%)15 (21.7%)
  • * Totals for some demographic characteristics do not equal 497 because of missing data.

  • SF Bay CRN, San Francisco Bay Area Collaborative Research Network; SERCN, Southeast Regional Clinicians' Network; BIGHORN, Health Outcomes Research Network; CaReNet Colorado Research Network; RIOS Net, Research Involving Outpatient Setting Network; SPUR-Net, Southern Primary Care Urban Research Network; MD, doctor of medicine; DO, doctor of osteopathy; NP, nurse practioner; PA, physician assistant.