Table 2.

Themes in Comments of Respondents Using the Medication List Card

Personal Reference• When I look at it, it guides me what medications I have to continue taking. Reference when order medicine from Pathmark.
• Told me what I was on because I don't remember all the time the medications I am on.
Physician Reference• Excellent. Useful at doctor's office. When I went to doctor's office and I didn't have everything on file [it was useful]. Easier for doctor to know, to update.
• When I go to doctors and when they ask me my medications and I need to clarify [I can use the card].
Reference Across Healthcare Settings• Helpful. When I go to doctor and they check my medications I can hand it over to them. It makes it easy for the doctor. Anytime going to doctor; foot doctor, heart specialist, another doctor. Easy to put in my wallet.
• It is very helpful. I take it with me to doctors’ appointments and to [emergency room].
• Also useful when filling out Plan D information.
Family Reference• My wife was never given a card. Why is that? I think everyone should have one.