Table 2.

Variables Tested for Univariate Association with Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c)

DomainsCategories (n)Mean HbA1c (%)P
    Age (years)29–49 (n = 34)7.74.004
50–64 (n = 137)7.10
65–89 (n = 82)6.79
    Marital statusMarried (n = 129)6.90.026
Not married (n = 112)7.33
    Years since diagnosis of diabetes≤6 (n = 110)6.77.002
>6 (n = 115)7.28
Family support
    Family provides help and supportLesser extent (n = 111)7.39.003
Greater extent (n = 126)6.82
    Family knows about diabetesLesser extent (n = 96)7.37.014
Greater extent (n = 141)6.87
Mental/physical health
    Depression*No depression (n = 145)6.86.007
Atypical depression (n = 45)7.19
Major depression (n = 63)7.53
    SF-12 MCS<40 (n = 58)7.37.078
40–50 (n = 53)7.25
>50 (n = 102)6.86
Physician-patient communication
    Patient feels comfortable asking physician questions about diabetesLesser extent (n = 35)7.71.039
Greater extent (n = 207)7.01
Barriers to diabetes management
    Cost of taking medicationLesser extent (n = 169)6.99.005
Greater extent (n = 39)7.98
    Depression interferes with taking medicationLesser extent (n = 185)7.02.012
Greater extent (n = 20)8.62
    Cost of following meal planLesser extent (n = 172)6.97.038
Greater extent (n = 42)7.66
    Depression interferes with following meal planLesser extent (n = 193)7.01.045
Greater extent (n = 21)8.20
    Cost of testing blood glucoseLesser extent (n = 185)7.04.006
Greater extent (n = 25)7.90
    Depression interferes with testing blood glucoseLesser extent (n = 192)7.01.021
Greater extent (n = 14)9.16
    Extent to which diabetes is considered a serious diseaseLesser extent (n = 30)6.62.006
Greater extent (n = 213)7.18
    Confident with following meal plan as recommendedLesser extent (n = 95)7.41.002
Greater extent (n = 124)6.81
  • * Depression as measured by the 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire. Major depression was either the first or second question with a rating of ≥2 and a totalscore >10. Atypical depression was both the first 2 questions with a rating of <2 and a total score of ≥10; either the first or second question with a rating of >2 and ≤5 and a total score <10; or the last question with a rating of ≥1 and a total score of <9.

  • Substantially below average health = physical component summary-12 score <40; somewhat below average health = physical component summary-12 score of 40 to <50; and above average health = physical component summary-12 score of ≥50.

  • SF-12, 12-item Short-Form Health Survey; MCS, mental component summary.