Table 6.

Factors Associated with Receipt of Mammography Screening

Patient CharacteristicOddsRatioLower 95% ConfidenceIntervalUpper 95% ConfidenceInterval
Race or ethnicity (referent: non-Hispanic white)
Age (referent: ≥85 years)
    65 to 693.402.744.21
    70 to 743.062.533.71
    75 to 792.682.203.26
    80 to 842.271.862.79
Educational attainment (referent: at least high school)
    Less than high school0.780.700.88
Residence (referent: nonmetropolitan residence)
    Metropolitan area0.960.801.15
Income (referent: >$25,000)
Functional health (3-point scale)
    1 point decrease0.860.820.91
Self-rated health(5-point scale)
    1 point decrease0.920.880.97
Living situation (referent: married or cohabitating)
    Lives alone0.990.891.10
Respondent (referent: participant)
Supplemental insurance (referent: private)
Survey year (referent: 4)
Number of primary care office visits (referent: none)
    1 to 22.411.992.91
    At least 32.952.463.54