Table 3.

Percentage of Original Study Group Discontinuing Various Fertility Awareness-Based Methods at 12 Months or 13 Cycles by Study6,10,11,21

ReasonSDM (%)TDM (%)CrM (%)BOM (%)
Completed study45.652.7
Eliminated by study protocol28.015.7
Told risk of pregnancy would be high0.2
Did not like the method0.21.80.7
Did not trust the method1.71.80.7
Partner did not like the method2. *
Planning pregnancy2.12.25.0 *
To use other FABM0.7
To use artificial method4.520.1 *
Difficulty avoiding genital contact0.7
Other voluntary reason4. *
Lost to follow up7.14.416.3 *
Pregnancy9.010.416.0 *
Medically induced infertility0.3
  • Data not reliably available for Rhythm, Basal Body Temperature, and Symptothermal methods.

  • * Billings Ovulation Method–India trial: data reported at 21 ordinal months. Overall discontinuation rate at 12 months was 24%. Individual reasons were not reported for this time frame.

  • Creighton Model did not remove participants from study for pregnancy because studies were designed to evaluate both pregnancy-achieving and pregnancy-avoiding behaviors.

  • SDM, Standard Days Method; TDM, TwoDays Method; CrM, Creighton Model; BOM: Billings Ovulation Method, —, data not available.