Non-Latino White | Non-Latino Black | Mexican | Puerto Rican | Other Latino | All Races χ2P | Latinos Only χ2P | |
Seeing one doctor for diabetes care | 84.6 (1.17) | 85.4 (1.88) | 77.4 (3.15) | 89.5 (4.27) | 73.0 (5.12) | .042 | .046 |
Seen a nurse/dietician in past year | 42.1 (1.57) | 51.9 (2.92) | 49.4 (4.42) | 49.1 (7.20) | 36.1 (6.17) | .018 | .228 |
Does not check blood glucose at least 1 time per day | 63.9 (2.05) | 69.7 (3.89) | 67.0 (5.85) | 69.6 (8.45) | 85.30 (7.72) | .181 | .198 |
Checks feet for sores 1 or more times per week | 76.9 (1.33) | 78.2 (2.30) | 74.8 (3.18) | 68.0 (8.24) | 78.19 (4.98) | .740 | .555 |
Has not heard of HbA1c | 58.7 (1.70) | 65.5 (2.75) | 75.8 (3.70) | 63.6 (6.84) | 76.5 (5.34) | <.001 | .289 |
Doctor checked feet for ulcers during past year | 68.8 (1.42) | 80.4 (2.14) | 68.5 (3.28) | 77.3 (5.95) | 63.1 (5.12) | <.001 | .229 |
Had exam for retinopathy during past year | 65.5 (1.52) | 70.8 (2.97) | 54.7 (4.02) | 67.2 (6.61) | 67.9 (6.63) | .028 | .089 |
Had cholesterol check during past year | 81.7 (1.20) | 79.2 (2.39) | 72.8 (3.74) | 66.7 (8.34) | 78.0 (5.26) | .089 | .510 |
Had blood pressure check during past year | 94.2 (0.87) | 92.8 (1.42) | 85.3 (2.46) | 91.7 (3.80) | 90.8 (3.44) | .034 | .203 |
* Data shown as % (standard error). χ2 P values are calculated across all ethnic groups and among Latino groups only (Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Other Latinos).
HbA1c, glycosylated hemoglobin.