Table 2.

Various Diabetes Management Issues for Each Ethnic Population*

Non-Latino WhiteNon-Latino BlackMexicanPuerto RicanOther LatinoAll Races χ2PLatinos Only χ2P
Seeing one doctor for diabetes care84.6 (1.17)85.4 (1.88)77.4 (3.15)89.5 (4.27)73.0 (5.12).042.046
Seen a nurse/dietician in past year42.1 (1.57)51.9 (2.92)49.4 (4.42)49.1 (7.20)36.1 (6.17).018.228
Does not check blood glucose at least 1 time per day63.9 (2.05)69.7 (3.89)67.0 (5.85)69.6 (8.45)85.30 (7.72).181.198
Checks feet for sores 1 or more times per week76.9 (1.33)78.2 (2.30)74.8 (3.18)68.0 (8.24)78.19 (4.98).740.555
Has not heard of HbA1c58.7 (1.70)65.5 (2.75)75.8 (3.70)63.6 (6.84)76.5 (5.34)<.001.289
Doctor checked feet for ulcers during past year68.8 (1.42)80.4 (2.14)68.5 (3.28)77.3 (5.95)63.1 (5.12)<.001.229
Had exam for retinopathy during past year65.5 (1.52)70.8 (2.97)54.7 (4.02)67.2 (6.61)67.9 (6.63).028.089
Had cholesterol check during past year81.7 (1.20)79.2 (2.39)72.8 (3.74)66.7 (8.34)78.0 (5.26).089.510
Had blood pressure check during past year94.2 (0.87)92.8 (1.42)85.3 (2.46)91.7 (3.80)90.8 (3.44).034.203
  • * Data shown as % (standard error). χ2 P values are calculated across all ethnic groups and among Latino groups only (Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Other Latinos).

  • HbA1c, glycosylated hemoglobin.