Table 1.

Characteristics of Clinicians Responding or Not Responding to 3-Year Follow-Up Survey

Responders (n = 92)Nonresponders (n = 38)P
Number of RCT referrals6.2 (5.8)4.6 (5.0).744
Perceived self efficacy in treating depression*1.97 (0.493)1.95 (0.514).925
Perceived responsibility to recognize depression1.29 (0.457)1.34 (0.483).304
Perceived responsibility to treat depression1.53 (0.568)1.56 (0.619).502
Number of correctly identified depression symptoms6.18 (1.76)6.75 (1.76).919
  • * Rated on a scale of 1 = very confident, 2 = mostly confident, 3 = somewhat confident, 4 = not confident.

  • Rated on a scale of 1 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 3 = neutral, 4 = disagree, 5 = strongly agree.

  • Scores range from 0 to 9.

  • All data presented as mean (SD). RCT, randomized controlled trial.