Table 2.

Evidence-based Medicine Ratings Based on Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy2

Strength of RecommendationQuality of EvidenceConsistency of Evidence Across Studies
A. Recommendation based on consistent good quality patient-oriented evidenceGood quality patient-oriented evidence—validated meta-analysis or high-quality or prospective cohort studiesConsistent—most studies with similar results or supportive high-quality meta-analysis
B. Recommendation based on inconsistent or limited quality patient-oriented evidenceMeta-analysis of lower quality or studies with inconsistent findings, retrospective cohort and case control studies with good follow up
C. Recommendation based on consensus, usual practice, opinion, disease-oriented evidence or case studies of diagnosis, prevention or screeningConsensus guidelines, usual practice, disease-oriented evidence, case series of studiesInconsistent—variation among study findings or lack of coherence of meta-analysis in favor of the recommendation