Table 2.

Self-Reported Nutritional Habits of Study Participants (N = 1714)*

Item and Response Choices from Nutritional Habits SurveyNumberPercentage
Number of times fast food eaten per week23914.6
    1 to 287753.4
    3 or more52632.0
Number of glasses of soda or sweet tea consumed per day54932.7
    1 to 263938.0
    3 or more49229.3
Number of times high-fat snacks consumed per week83650.4
    0 to 1
    3 or more38623.3
Number of times desserts or sweets consumed per week61036.4
    0 to 1
    3 or more63137.7
Amount of margarine, butter, meat fat consumed72942.7
    None or very little
    A lot19211.2
Number of servings of fruits or vegetables eaten per day56834.4
    3 or more
    1 or less51931.5
Number of times lean protein eaten per week94756.5
    3 or more
    1 to 267440.2
Overall Nutritional Habit Score (0–14), Mean (SD)6.01(2.73)
  • * The sample N includes all those who answered at least 5 of the 7 nutritional habit questions. The sample size for individual items varies from 1642 to 1708 because of missing data.

  • Scored as the sum of the 7 items, each 0 to 2, with higher scores reflecting poorer nutritional habits. If 2 or fewer items were missing, values for missing items were imputed as the mean of the nonmissing items. Cronbach’s α for the score is 0.558, and item total correlation range from 0.069 (lean protein consumption) to 0.407 (high-fat snack consumption). The median value is 6, and the most common (modal) value is 7.0, indicating very little skew. Visual inspection of the distribution and Q-Q plot indicate that the assumption of a normal distribution (and the application of parametric statistical tests) is valid.