Table 3.

Errors (Incorrect and Missing Data) by Field Type* and by Group Assignment

Field Types (N = 4900)Data ElementsErrorsTotals (%)
Short-form GroupLong-form Group
Numeric (n = 2450)Age215
Blood Pressure05
Numeric subtotal183 (7.5%)
Date (n = 980)Birth date15924
Visit date13619
Date subtotal43 (4.4%)
Text (n = 490)Name285684
Text subtotal84 (17.1%)
Select Option (n = 980)Pregnant123445
Select subtotal47 (4.9%)
Total357 (7.3%)
  • * Field types are groups of data elements with common characteristics. The MOCC Trial case report forms contained numeric fields (numbers only), date fields (numbers in specific date formatting), text fields (alphabetic characters), and select option fields (choice of options from a menu).

  • Forty-eight participants entered 10 data items for 5 cases for a total of 2400 data fields.

  • Fifty participants entered 10 data items for 5 cases for a total of 2500 data fields.