Table 2.

Lifestyle and Clinical Survey

Without PAD* N (%)With Asymptomatic PAD N (%)P ValueTotal
Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?
    Yes183 (54)15 (60).55198 (54)
    No157 (46)10 (40)167 (46)
If you smoke, how many cigarettes have you smoked per day?
    1 pack or less133 (72)10 (67).03143 (71)
    >1 pack53 (28)5 (33)58 (29)
How many years have you been a regular smoker?
    0 years197 (58)13 (52).84
    <1 year to 40 years75 (22)6 (24)
    >40 years69 (20)6 (24)
Do you drink alcoholic beverages?
    Yes119 (35)4 (16).05123 (34)
    No222 (65)21 (84)243 (66)
How often do you consume alcohol?
    Some23 (19)1 (25).6424 (19)
    Weekly63 (52)2 (50)65 (52)
    Daily35 (29)1 (25)36 (29)
How often do you walk for at least 10 minutes without stopping?
    Rarely or never96 (28)12 (48).31107 (30)
    Once/week or more245 (72)13 (52)258 (70)
  • * PAD, peripheral arterial disease.