Table 3.

Mental Health Treatment Preferences (N = 95)

Preference CategoryFrequency (%)
Preferred Treatment
    Medicine only10 (10.5)
    Counseling/psychotherapy4 (4.2)
    Medicine & psychotherapy19 (20.0)
    Prefer none10 (10.5)
    Don’t know enough to say41 (43.2)
    Don’t have a preference11 (11.6)
Preferred Provider
    Psychiatrist18 (19.8)
    Psychologist8 (8.8)
    Primary care provider18 (19.8)
    Social worker6 (6.5)
    No preference38 (41.8)
    Other3 (3.3)
Preferred Provider Characteristics*% Endorsing Preference
    At internal medicine clinic24 (25.3)
    At mental health clinic4 (4.2)
    Male16 (16.8)
    Female14 (14.7)
    Own ethnicity/race8 (8.4)
    Other ethnicity/race2 (2.1)
    None of the preferences endorsed47 (49.5)
  • * More than one characteristic could be endorsed