Table 2.

Clinical Uses and Recommendations

Clinical UseDosageCommentsStrength of Recommendation
Secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease1–2 g/dayMay encourage dietary intake, or fish oil supplementationA19,20
HypertriglyceridemiaInitial 2–4 g; up to 12 gFor doses greater than 3 g, consider monitoring for bleeding side effects, LDL, and glycemic responseA23
Rheumatoid arthritis2.6–6 g may initiate at 90 mg/kg; maintenance dose 45 mg/kgMay take 8–12 weeks for clinical response; consider tapering NSAIDs; compliance may be an issueA29,30
Infants (not breast-feeding)0.35% of dietary fat as DHAConsider Ω-3 and Ω-6 enriched infant formulaB42,43
Women (pregnant and of childbearing age)2 fatty fish meals a week (up to 12 oz)Avoid shark, tile fish, king mackerel, swordfish. Limit albacore tuna to 6 oz per week.C47,48,66