Table 2.

Association of Parental Attitudes, Beliefs, and Agreement with Adding the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine to School Entry Requirements

VariableDo You Think the HPV Vaccine Should be Added to the List of School Entry Vaccine Requirement?P*
No (n [%])Yes (n [%])
Support government-mandated vaccine requirements<.0001
    No33 (97.1)1 (2.9)
    Yes148 (51.9)137 (48.1)
Familiar with HPV.02
    Not familiar20 (45.5)24 (54.6)
    Somewhat familiar117 (63.6)67 (36.4)
    Very familiar45 (48.9)47 (51.1)
Likelihood of child to contract HPV.03
    Not at all likely85 (57.8)62 (42.2)
    Somewhat likely93 (59.6)63 (40.4)
    Very likely4 (25.0)12 (75.0)
Important for child to receive HPV vaccine<.0001
    Not at all important42 (84.0)8 (16.0)
    Somewhat important96 (72.7)36 (27.3)
    Very important43 (31.6)93 (68.4)
Concerned about side effects of HPV vaccine.56
    Not at all concerned20 (60.6)13 (39.4)
    Somewhat concerned75 (53.6)65 (46.4)
    Very concerned86 (59.3)59 (40.7)
HPV vaccine reduces risk of cervical cancer.001
    No30 (83.3)6 (16.7)
    Yes117 (51.5)110 (48.5)
    No girls32 (60.4)21 (39.6)
HPV vaccine reduces risk of genital warts.06
    No74 (63.8)42 (36.2)
    Yes104 (52.8)93 (47.2)
Want child to receive HPV vaccine<.0001
    No55 (90.2)6 (9.8)
    Yes123 (48.2)132 (51.8)
Child has received HPV vaccine.008
    No166 (59.7)112 (40.3)
    Yes16 (38.1)26 (61.9)
Physician supports HPV vaccine.07
    No4 (50.0)4 (50.0)
    Yes43 (47.3)48 (52.8)
    Not Discussed135 (61.1)86 (38.9)
Most influences decision to get HPV vaccine.006
    Doctor97 (51.1)93 (49.0)
    Spouse14 (82.4)3 (17.7)
    Child13 (48.2)14 (51.9)
    Parent2 (28.6)5 (71.4)
    Mandatory school requirement14 (70.0)6 (30.0)
    None41 (70.7)17 (29.3)
Comfortable with mandated HPV vaccine<.0001
    Not comfortable87 (97.8)2 (2.3)
    Somewhat comfortable87 (53.4)76 (46.7)
    Very comfortable7 (10.5)60 (89.6)
Mandatory HPV vaccine program helpful<.0001
    Not helpful45 (97.8)1 (2.2)
    Somewhat helpful125 (64.1)70 (35.9)
    Very helpful12 (15.2)67 (84.8)
Mandatory HPV vaccine program important<.0001
    Not important47 (94.0)3 (6.0)
    Somewhat important123 (67.2)60 (32.8)
    Very important12 (13.8)75 (86.2)
Federal government to pay for HPV vaccine<.0001
    No90 (82.6)19 (17.4)
    Yes91 (43.3)119 (56.7)
Interested in HPV vaccination for child<.0001
    Not interested52 (91.2)5 (8.8)
    Somewhat interested100 (66.2)51 (33.8)
    Very interested30 (26.8)82 (73.2)
  • * χ2 test.

  • HPV, human papillomavirus.