
Attitude and Belief Measures

Scale TypeMean ± SD (range) Cronbach Alpha Reliability
Barriers37.29 ± 6.69 (11–44) α = 0.84
    How much do the following things affect your decision to get tested for colon cancer?
    Fear of finding something wrong?
    Worrying about the results?
    Lack of time?
    Problems with transportation?
    Fear about the treatment?
    Concerns about the messiness of the test?
    Lack of information concerning colon cancer?
Benefits31.5 ± 3.7 (20–40) α = 0.80
    Some types of cancer can actually be cured.
    If colon cancer is detected early, chances of cures are very high.
    There are medical tests now that can detect colon cancer in its very early stages.
    There is very little I can do to reduce my chances of dying from colon cancer.
    Even if colon cancer is detected early, nothing can be done about it.
    The benefits of having a test to find colon cancer early outweigh any difficulties I may have going through it.
    Cancer is like a death sentence; if you get it, you will surely die from it.
    If I had a test to find colon cancer early, it could save my life.
    Having a test to find colon cancer early makes sense to me.
    I believe that a test to find colon cancer early can help to protect my health.
Susceptibility8.78 ± 2.0 (4–14) α = 0.72
    What do you think your chance of getting colon cancer is?
    Compared with others your age and sex, what do you think your chance is that you will develop colon cancer?
    How worried are you that you may develop colon cancer?
    How much does it concern you that you may develop colon cancer?
Fatalism19.70 ± 2.0 (15–30) α = 0.87
    Please indicate if you agree with the following statements:
    I think if someone is meant to have colon cancer, it doesn't matter what kinds of food they eat, they will get colon cancer anyway.
    I think if someone has colon cancer, it is already too late to get treated for it.
    I think someone can eat fatty foods all their life, and if they are not meant to get colon cancer, they won't get it.
    I think if someone is meant to get colon cancer, they will get it no matter what they do.
    I think if someone gets colon cancer, it was meant to be.
    I think if someone gets colon cancer, their time to die is soon.
    I think if someone gets colon cancer, that's the way they were meant to die.
    I think getting checked for colon cancer makes people scared that they may really have colon cancer.
    I think if someone is meant to have colon cancer, they will have colon cancer.
    I think some people don't want to know if they have colon cancer because they don't want to know they may be dying from it.
    I think if someone gets colon cancer, it doesn't matter whether they find it early or late, they will still die from it.
    I think if someone has colon cancer and gets treatment for it, they will probably still die from the colon cancer.
    I think if someone was meant to have colon cancer, it doesn't matter what doctors and nurses tell them to do, they will get colon cancer anyway.
    I think if someone is meant to have colon cancer, it doesn't matter if they eat healthy foods, they will still get colon cancer.
    I think colon cancer will kill you no matter when it is found and how it is treated.
Knowledgeα = 0.56 k = 12
    Your risk of colon cancer decreases with age.
    Drinking a glass of red wine a day protects you against colon cancer.
    Smoking does not affect your chance of getting colon cancer.
    Eating foods high in bran/fiber reduces the risk of colon cancer (cereals, oatmeal, whole wheat bread).
    Homosexual men are more likely to develop colon cancer.
    If one of your parents gets colon cancer, it increases your chance of getting colon cancer.
    Not bathing regularly increases the chance of getting colon cancer.
    White people are more likely to get colon cancer than African-Americans.
    Hemorrhoids can be a sign for colon cancer.
    A person can have colon cancer without having pain or other symptoms.
    There is no test to find colon cancer early.
    If you have surgery to remove colon cancer, it is more likely to spread.
Satisfaction11.22 ± 1.23 (4–12) α = 0.69
    How much do you believe that your regular doctor has helped you to get better? (any time in your life when you have been ill)
    How satisfied are you with your regular doctor?
    My regular doctor listens carefully to what I have to say.