Table 2.

Numbers of Family Medicine Researcher-Authors and the Number of Articles they Authored in 2003

Family medicine researcher-authors (n)801
Family-medicine researchers who were lead authors on one or more papers (n)344
Articles per family medicine researcher-author (n, mean)1.875
Family medicine researchers (n [%]) who authored:
    1 article510 (63.7)
    2 articles138 (17.2)
    3 or 4 articles96 (12.0)
    5–7 articles42 (5.2)
    ≥8 articles15 (1.9)
    Total801 (100)
Distribution of academic degrees of family medicine researcher-authors (n [%])
    MD292 (36.5)
    MD with masters (MPH, MS, etc.)132 (16.5)
    MD with doctorate (PhD, DrPH, etc.)24 (3.0)
    DO, MBBS or MB, with or without other     masters or doctorate19 (2.4)
    Doctorates (among non-physicians)185 (23.1)
    Masters (among non-physicians)69 (8.6)
    Bachelors (BA, BS, BSN, etc.)22 (2.7)
    No degree or information missing58 (7.2)
    Total801 (100)