Appendix 1.

Codebook for Assigning Risk Factors to Individual Patients

Chart HeadingExplanationDefinition/Rating
SexGenderM, male
F, female
AgeAge in yearsWhole numbers (1–100)
DOADate of admissionmm/dd/yy
DODDate of dischargemm/dd/yy
SxSymptomsDescriptive verbage
Rest painChest pain at rest0 = absent
1 = present
Dur/up tempoDuration of chest pain0 = <20 min
1= >20 min
Hx CADHistory of coronary artery disease0 = absent
1 = present
New CP = anginaNew chest pain same as prior anginal symptoms0 = absent
1 = present
New STD/ BBBNew ST segment depression or bundle branch block0 = absent
1 = present
TWI w/SxsT-wave inversions with symptoms of chest pain0 = absent
1 = present
RalesPulmonary rales on exam0 = absent
1 = present
New MRNew onset mitral regurgitation murmur0 = absent
1 = present
Abnl VSAbnormal vital signs (tachycardia, bradycardia, hypotension only)0 = absent
1 = present
Prior ASAPrior use of daily aspirin0 = absent
1 = present
DMHistory of diabetes mellitus0 = absent
1 = present
Fixed QWFixed Q-wave on electrocardiogram0 = absent
1 = present
Nml EKGNormal electrocardiogram0 = absent
1 = present
TWI/F lg RT-wave inversions or flattening in lateral leads with large R-waves0 = absent
1 = present
Repro CPReproducible chest pain0 = absent
1 = present
Cocaine useHistory of cocaine use0 = absent
1 = present
TpI 1/2/3Troponin I: 1st, 2nd, 3rd sets0 = absent
1 = present
Add testAdditional test0 = not done
1 = negative evaluation
2 = abnormality on evaluation
3 = evidence that test was done but results not available
RiskRisk score0 = low risk
1 = moderate risk
2 = high risk
OutcomeCardiac damage0 = no cardiac damage
1 = cardiac damage