Table 1.

Patient Scenarios

Q5. Your patient is a 65-year-old male who recently suffered from a myocardial infarction. He does not have diabetes and his LDL cholesterol is currently 79 mg/dL on medications. His blood pressure is well controlled on a beta-blocker. He asks you for a diet to reduce his chance of ‘another heart attack.’ He is not overweight. Which diet would you recommend?
  • □ Lower carbohydrate, higher protein diet (eg, Atkins, South Beach)

  • □ Low saturated fat, high fruit and vegetable diet

  • □ Increased intake of fatty fish meals, at least twice a week

  • □ Low sodium diet

  • □ None

  • □ Other

Q6a. Another patient asks your opinion about a low carbohydrate, high protein diet (eg, Atkins, South Beach). He is similar to the patient in Q5 except he is 30 lbs overweight. How do you respond to this patient?
  • □ Strongly recommend it

  • □ Recommend it

  • □ No opinion

  • □ Advise against it

  • □ Strongly advise against it

Q6b. This same patient asks for your advice regarding dietary fish or supplementation. How do you respond?
  • □ Strongly recommend it

  • □ Recommend it

  • □ No opinion

  • □ Advise against it

  • □ Strongly advise against it