Table 1.

Baseline Demographic, Clinical, and Utilization Characteristics of Intervention Subjects and Matched Controls

CharacteristicIntervention (N=146)Control (N=437)P Value
Demographic characteristics
    Age, y, mean (SD)78.6 (8.2)77.3 (7.9).09
    Female, n (%)96 (66)287 (66).99
Census-linked socioeconomic characteristics*
    Median household income, mean54,58054,370.90
    Proportion of adults who graduated from high school, mean (SD)0.88 (0.09)0.88 (0.08).55
    Proportion of adults of non-white race, mean (SD)0.17 (0.15)0.22 (0.19).01
Clinical characteristics
    Diabetes, n (%)36 (25)107 (25).97
    Heart disease, n (%)58 (40)140 (32).09
    Cancer diagnosis, n (%)
        None118 (81)362 (83)
        Within 5 years13 (9)34 (8).94
        5–10 years from index date9 (6)23 (5)
        >10 years from index date6 (4)18 (4)
Dementia or Parkinson’s Disease, n (%)16 (11)27 (6).06
Recent depression, n (%)4 (3)10 (2).76
RxRisk score, mean (SD)3210 (2990)3470 (3700).44
Charlson Comorbidity Index, n (%)
        0118 (81)342 (78)
        111 (8)44 (10).84
        28 (5)23 (5)
        ≥39 (6)28 (6)
    Propensity score, mean (SD0.29 (0.15)0.29 (0.15).84
Healthcare utilization
    Hospitalizations, mean (SD)0.31 (0.68)0.26 (0.63).44
    One or more hospitalizations, n (%)32 (22)83 (19).44
    Medical/surgical specialist visits, mean (SD)4.8 (7.5)4.8 (6.3).97
    Outpatient visits, mean (SD)18.7 (14.0)18.3 (13.2).74
    Any nursing home admission, n (%)11 (7.5)29 (6.6).71
    Number of 14-day equivalent high-risk prescriptions, mean (SD)4.2 (11.2)4.9 (15.6).58
    Total healthcare costs, median $§50684977.72
  • * Block-level 2000 United States Census data as identified by geocoding techniques using subjects’ 2005 street addresses and ZIP codes. Education and non-white race status pertain to adults over age 25 years. Income and education data were missing for 89 subjects (15.3%), and non-white race data were missing for 105 subjects (18.0%).

  • During year prior to index date.

  • Includes selected sedative-hypnotics, antihistamines, muscle relaxants, and tricyclic antidepressants.

  • § Pre-index date costs were missing/incomplete for 6 control subjects. P value derived from nonparametric χ2 test for difference in medians.