Table 1.

Description of Patients Enrolled in the Action Plan Project (N = 274)

Variable/DefinitionMean or % (SD)
All enrolled patients (%) (n = 274)Patients making action plans (%) (n = 228)Patients not making action plans (%) (n = 46)
CHD risk factors*
    Coronary heart disease779
Multiple CHD risk factors868687
Age (mean years, SD)52 (12.7)52 (13.1)54 (10.8)
    African American333524
    Asian American161428
    High School or less424339
Clinic setting
Health status§
    Fair or poor363636
    Very good or excellent252621
Health risk factors
    Physical inactivity (none)151517
    Skipped medication (1+ times/week)192013
    Few fruits/vegetables (<2 per week)313322
Stage of change
Self-efficacy** (mean score, SD)
    Health confidence8.5 (2.2)8.6 (2.1)8.2 (2.5)
    Diet confidence7.6 (2.6)7.5 (2.7)7.8 (2.6)
    Exercise confidence7.0 (2.7)6.9 (2.8)7.5 (2.5)
    Worry confidence5.7 (3.1)5.6 (3.1)6.1 (3.1)
    Stress confidence6.6 (3.1)6.5 (3.1)6.8 (3.2)
    Help confidence8.0 (2.4)8.0 (2.3)7.8 (3.1)
    Overall confidence8.1 (2.6)8.1 (2.6)8.1 (2.6)
  • * Based on chart review prior to study enrollment using the following criteria: (1) diagnosis of diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, hyperlipidemia; (2) clinical note indicating patient is overweight or a smoker; (3) recent laboratory report indicating elevated blood pressure (dystolic >90 or systolic >140), elevated low-density lipid (>100) or hemoglobin A1c value >7.0.

  • P < .05 for comparisons between patients making action plans (n = 228) and patients not making action plans (n = 46).

  • Presence of 2 or more CHD risk factors in chart review.

  • § Based on the Risk Factor Surveillance System survey.10

  • In the previous month.

  • Based on the transtheoretical model.11 Precontemplative: have not made a behavior change in the past 6 months to improve health and are not planning any such changes in the next 6 months. Contemplative: have not made any changes in the past 6 months but are planning to in the next 6 months. Preparation: have made no changes in the past 6 months but plan to in the next 30 days. Action/maintenance: have made changes in the past 6 months to change health-related behaviors.

  • ** Scale 0 to 10. Higher score is better. Responses to: How sure are you that you can (behavior)? Health confidence: do the different tasks and activities needed to manage your illness? Diet confidence: make changes in your diet to improve your health? Exercise confidence: make and stay with a regular exercise program. Worry confidence: keep tiredness, pain, or worry from interfering with things you want to do? Stress confidence: remain calm when faced with difficulties related to your health? Help confidence: find the help you need when having problems with your health or your life? Overall confidence: solve most of your problems if you try hard enough?