Table 2.

Frequency and Percentage of Distributions of Demographic, Health Status, and Utilization Characteristics Comparing Frequent and Non-frequent Attenders (N = 381)*

Frequent Attenders (N = 79)Non-frequent Attenders (N = 302)StatisticP Value
Sociodemographic factors
    Age group
        18 to 44 years30 (37.9%)195 (64.6%)χ2 = 18.521<.001
        45 to 64 years39 (49.4%)88 (29.1%)
        65+ years10 (12.7%)19 (6.3%)
        Mean age (SD)48.65 (14.15)40.46 (14.89)t test = 4.395<.001
        Male18 (22.8%)90 (29.8%)χ2 = 1.518NS
        Female61 (77.2%)212 (70.2%)
    ZIP code of residence
        Within the CHC catchment area20 (25.6%)85 (28.2%)χ2 = 4.823.090
        Within the city, but outside the catchment area48 (61.5%)199 (66.1%)
        Outside of the city limits10 (12.8%)17 (5.6%)
    Marital Status
        Not currently married45 (73.8%)182 (69.7%)χ2 = 0.388NS
        Married16 (26.2%)79 (30.3%)
    Insurance Status
        Medicaid53 (67.1%)163 (54.7%)χ2 = 16.754.001
        Medicare19 (24.1%)43 (14.4%)
        Private2 (2.5%)32 (10.7%)
        None/self-pay/Free Care5 (6.3%)60 (20.1%)
    Provider type
        MD/attending39 (49.4%)143 (47.4%)χ2 = 0.165NS
        NP or PA22 (27.8%)91 (30.1%)
        Resident18 (22.8%)68 (22.5%)
Health indicators
    Smoking status
        Not currently smoking45 (60.0%)167 (60.3%)χ2 = 0.002NS
        Currently smoking30 (40.0%)110 (39.7%)
        No53 (67.1%)232 (76.8%)χ2 = 3.147.076
        Yes26 (32.9%)70 (23.2%)
        No55 (69.6%)274 (90.7%)χ2 = 23.674<.001
        Yes24 (30.4%)28 (9.3%)
        No33 (41.8%)155 (51.3%)χ2 = 2.286NS
        Yes46 (58.2%)147 (48.7%)
        No42 (53.2%)221 (73.2%)χ2 = 11.733.001
        Yes37 (46.8%)81 (26.8%)
    Number of chronic physical conditions
        None8 (10.1%)116 (38.4%)χ2 = 22.818<.001
        One or more71 (89.9%)186 (61.8%)
        Mean number of chronic problems (SD)2.27 (1.28)1.10 (1.16)t test = 7.803<.001
    Number of chronic psychological conditions
        None34 (43.0%)193 (63.9%)χ2 = 11.325.001
        One or more45 (57.0%)109 (36.1%)
        Mean number of chronic problems (SD)0.75 (0.78)0.50 (0.75)t test = 2.619.009
Utilization Factors
    Number of ER visits
        None/One51 (66.2%)268 (90.5%)χ2 = 29.158<.001
        2+26 (33.8%)28 (9.5%)
        Mean number of ER visits (SD)1.35 (1.72)0.50 (1.32)t test = 4.019<.001
    Proportion of missed appointments based on number of scheduled appointments
        <50%77 (100.0%)241 (81.7%)χ2 = 16.488<.001
        ≥50%0 (0.0%)54 (18.3%)
        Mean proportion (SD)0.1294 (0.1012)0.2730 (0.2141)t test = 8.459<.001
  • NS, not significant.

  • * Some numbers may not add up to N = 381 because of sporadic missing data.

  • χ2 tests were used for categorical independent variables; t tests were used for continuous independent variables; all t tests were recomputed using Mann-Whitney U nonparametric tests because of skewness in the numbers of ED visits, missed appointments, and chronic problems (no differences in interpretation of the relationship between these variables and the outcome were found).

  • Patients were categorized as being obese or not based on the notation of this diagnosis on the chronic problem list as well as through the calculation of their body mass index using height and weight data indicated in their medical record.