Table 4.

RE-AIM Questions to Ask and Ways to Enhance Overall Impact

RE-AIM DimensionQuestions to AskWays to Enhance Impact
Reach (individual level)What percentage of the target population comes into contact? Does program reach those most in need? Will participants be representative of the patients in your practice?Formative evaluation with potential users with those declining Small-scale recruitment studies to test methods Identify and reduce barriers to participation Use multiple channels of recruitment
Effectiveness (individual level)Does program achieve greater key targeted outcomes compared with other treatments? Does it produce unintended adverse consequences? How will or did it impact quality of life (QoL)?Incorporate more tailoring to individual Reinforce via repetition, multiple modalities, social support, and systems change Use stepped-care approach; less intensive intervention first Evaluate adverse outcomes and QoL for program revision
Adoption (setting/organizational level)Will organizations having underserved or high-risk populations use it? Does program help the organization address its primary mission?Conduct formative evaluation with adoptees and settings that decline Recruit settings that have most contact with target audience Provide different cost options and customization of intervention Develop recruitment materials outlining program benefits and required resources
Implementation (setting/organizational level)How many staff within a setting will try this? Can different levels of staff implement the program successfully? Are different components delivered as intended?Provide delivery staff with training and technical assistance Provide clear intervention protocols Consider automating all or part of the program Monitor and provide staff feedback and recognition for implementation
Maintenance (individual and setting levels)Does the program produce lasting effects at individual level? Can organizations sustain the program over time? Are those persons and settings that show maintenance those most in need?Reduce level of resources required; make contacts extensive, not intensive Incorporate “natural environmental” and community supports Conduct follow-up assessments and interviews to characterize success at both levels Incorporate incentives and policy supports