Table 2.

Frequency of Six Categories of Alcohol Consumption and Presence of DSM-IV Criteria for Alcohol Abuse or Dependence by Diabetes and Hypertension Status (N = 799)

Diabetic Only (n = 89)Hypertensive Only (n = 299)Both Diabetic and Hypertensive (n = 209)Neither Diabetic nor Hypertensive (n = 202)All Patients (n = 799)
Alcohol consumption, past 30 days*
 0 drinks50 (56%)115 (38%)109 (52%)63 (31%)337 (42%)
 1 to 29 drinks33 (37%)133 (44%)82 (39%)112 (55%)360 (45%)
 30 to 59 drinks3 (3%)25 (8%)12 (6%)17 (8%)57 (7%)
 60 to 89 drinks1 (1%)17 (6%)3 (1%)6 (3%)27 (3%)
 90 to 119 drinks0 (0%)3 (1%)1 (0%)0 (0%)4 (1%)
 120+ drinks2 (0.02%)6 (2%)2 (1%)4 (2%)14 (2%)
Alcohol Abuse
 Current0 (0%)7 (2%)6 (3%)4 (2%)17 (2%)
 Lifetime25 (28%)99 (33%)74 (35%)85 (42%)283 (35%)
 None64 (82%)193 (65%)119 (62%)113 (56%)499 (63%)
DSM-IV Alcohol Dependence
 Current1 (1%)10 (3%)8 (4%)4 (2%)23 (3%)
 Lifetime11 (12%)45 (15%)25 (12%)37 (18%)118 (15%)
 None77 (87%)244 (82%)176 (84%)161 (80%)658 (82%)
  • * 1 standard drink = 14 g of alcohol (12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of spirits). The six consumption categories are equivalent to abstinence, <1 drink/day, 1 to 2 drinks/day, 2 to 3 drinks/day, 3 to 4 drinks/day, and 4 or more drinks/day. These categories are used in national epidemiological studies (31).