Table 5.

Associations between 1 or More and 2 or More Bilateral Peripheral Neurologic Deficits and Various Outcomes after Adjusting for Age, Gender, Race, Education, Income, Body Mass Index, and Presence of Disease Known to Cause Peripheral Neuropathy

Outcome Variables1 + Deficit2 + Deficits
    Numbness arms/legs1.44 (0.97, 2.14)2.74 (1.56, 4.79)*
    Pain or discomfort1.68 (1.19, 2.37)*1.80 (1.03, 3.16)*
    Restless legs1.40 (0.96, 2.04)2.15 (1.23, 3.74)*
    Trouble walking1.50 (1.04, 2.17)*2.62 (1.47, 4.67)*
    Trouble with balance1.64 (1.11, 2.43)*2.65 (1.50, 4.70)*
    Falls in last 3 months
        One fall1.22 (0.80, 1.84)1.07 (0.56, 2.03)
        ≥2 falls1.53 (0.83, 2.81)1.17 (0.46, 2.97)
Objective Findings
    Tinetti Balance Score (0 to 16)−1.12 (−1.54, −0.70)*−1.58 (−2.26, −0.91)*
    Timed 50−ft walk (seconds)−0.12 (−1.15, 0.91)−0.08 (−1.73, 1.56)
QOL/Functional Status
    Self rated health (0 to 100)−0.82 (−3.53, 1.89)−2.55 (−6.87, 1.77)
    SF-36 General Health (0 to 100)−2.42 (−5.47, 2.63)−6.65 (−11.48, −1.83)*
    SF-36 Physical Functioning(0 to 100)−7.06 (−11.01, −3.10)*−10.54 (−16.89, −4.18)*
    SF-36 Role Physical (0 to 100)−5.09 (−11.73, 1.55)−8.16 (−18.76, 2.44)
    SF-36 Bodily Pain (0 to 100)−3.36 (−7.22, 0.49)−5.96 (−12.09, 0.17)
    QWB-SA (0 to 1)−0.027 (−0.047, −0.006)*−0.028 (−0.61, 0.004)
    HUI-3 (0 to 1)−0.039 (−0.074, −0.004)*−0.046 (−0.102, 0.010)
  • Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals derived from logistic regression models are given for symptoms β coefficients and 95% confidence intervals derived from linear regression models are given for objective findings and QOL/functional status. Numbers are odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for symptom variables and β coefficients (95% confidence intervals) for all other variables.

  • * P < .05

  • QWB-SA, Quality of Well Being–Self-Administered Scale; HUI-3, Healthy Utility Index 3 Scale.