Table 2.

Well-Child Visits (n = 146)

Visit Compliance and Related Factors
    Visit compliance
        Well-child visit made12686.3
        Appointment not scheduled149.6
        Appointment scheduled, but not kept64.1
    Reasons for missing visit
        Too busy735.0*
        Transportation problems525.0*
        No care for other children315.0*
        Child ill210.0*
    Transportation difficulty4.31.2
    Record appointments on calendar11082.1    Ride provided for visit by UCare insurance3024.0
Parents’ Attitudes toward Well-Child Visits and Visit Reminders
    Parent thought well-child visit was important146100.0
    Why well-child visit is important
        Child development8155.1
        Growth measurements4732.0
        Full exam4228.6
        Counseling on parenting, safety2013.6
    Parents thought appointment reminder was helpful10377.4
    Type of appointment reminder preferred
        Phone call7168.3
  • * Percentage given as proportion of missed visits (n = 20).

  • Responses given on 1 to 5 scale, where 1 = very difficult, 3 = somewhat difficult, and 5 = not at all difficult.