Table 4.

Strategies to Enhance Awareness and Services for Older Women with IPV Suggested by Providers

    Brochures about IPV and resources
    Programs that help seniors negotiate the health care system and facilitate their linkage with resources (transportation,meals on wheels, etc)
    On-site IPV advocates or social workers knowledgeable about IPV at senior centers or in doctors’ offices.
Community Awareness
    Public service announcements on television, billboards, newspaper ads to reduce the stigma. More awareness that IPV occurs for all ages.
    Pamphlets about IPV in beauty shops, churches, women’s clubs, doctor’s offices, senior centers, Adult Day Care
Cross training for IPV and Aging Agencies
    Educate intake workers who are the first line with older people at the Council on Aging about IPV.
    Train home health and meals on wheels workers about IPV.
    Educate APS staff to screen for IPV.
    Train IPV agencies about issues of seniors and the need to ′think outside the box′ to create safety. Leaving may not be realistic.