Table 2.

Demographic and Health Characteristics of Respondents

  White (non-Hispanic)782477712247
  Black/African American (non-Hispanic)1031912390
  Asian/Pacific Islanders (non-Hispanic)2584116
  Other (non-Hispanic)382390
 Educational status
  Less than high school41145161
  Completed high school591870712274
  Completed college2785817548
  Advanced degree113547211
 Annual income
 Health status
Health care factors
 Health insurance status
  Not insured723615474
 In managed care?
% of Respondents who responded `often` or `sometimes` to the following statements:
 Doctors have excellent medical skills952999952989
 Doctors are open to what patients say832633842648
 Doctors are behind in their knowledge of research and the latest treatments.742261742259
 Doctors spend enough time with their patients692161692191
 Proactive approach to health information
 Have a regular doctor?
 Rating of level of care from regular doctor, or doctor seen most often?
  Excellent/very good712058691948
 How often does regular doctor encourage you to look for information?
  Hardly ever/never621667621599
  • * Data were weighted to adjust for unequal probability of selection (including the oversample of persons in poor health). To adjust for survey nonresponse, stratification weights were developed using the March 2000 Current Population Survey from the US Census Bureau as standard. The poststratification weights were based on gender within age within race, as well as education, health insurance status (insured vs. uninsured), and household size. This weighting procedure results in a sample that is representative of the US population.

  • Poor health was defined as having a chronic disease or disability that prevented respondent from participating fully in school, work, housework, or other activities; having been hospitalized other than for a normal delivery within the past 12 months; and/or the respondent defining their health as fair or poor rather than excellent, very good, or good.

  • See text for definition.