Table 1.

Participant Characteristics by Intervention Group

 ESP (n = 61)CTHS (n = 62)
 or %nor %nP value
Age (years)51.6211.7152.7012.990.63
Gender    0.10
 Unknown/Prefer not to Answer0.0%03.2%2
 Hispanic or Latinx8.2%511.5%70.54
Race (not mutually exclusive categories)     
 Native American or Alaska Native9.8%68.2%50.75
 Black or African American18.0%1116.4%100.81
 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander0.0%09.8%60.01
 Unknown/prefer not to answer8.2%516.1%100.18
Education    0.21
 Less than high school4.9%36.5%4 
 High school or GED32.8%2045.2%28 
 Some college49.2%3030.6%19 
 College graduate or more13.1%817.7%11 
BMI categories0.31
 Below 18.50.0%04.8%3
 18.5 – 24.924.6%1527.4%17
 25.0 – 29.926.2%1627.4%17
 30.0 and above49.2%3040.3%25
On how many of the past 30 days did you smoke cigarettes?    0.48
 1 to 7 days13.3%85.1%3 
 8 to 15 days5.0%36.8%4 
 16 to 25 days6.7%46.8%4 
 Every day or nearly every day75.0%4581.4%48 
 On a typical day when you smoke, how many cigarettes do you smoke? (Cigarettes per day)11.757.0211.667.410.95
Minutes to first cigarette after waking up0.43
 Less than 30 minutes63.3%3851.6%32
 31 to 60 minutes23.3%1430.6%19
 More than 60 minutes13.3%817.7%11
 In 6 months from today, how confident are you that you will be smoke free (not smoking 30+ days; scale 0 to 10)?6.023.316.112.930.84
Stages of change    0.36
 Use of E-cigarettes or vaping or Juul16.4%108.2%50.17
 Use of other nicotine (e.g., cigars, chewing tobacco)24.6%1516.1%100.24
How many years have you smoked regularly?    0.70
 Less than 5 years3.3%23.3%2 
 5 to 10 years11.7%715.0%9 
 11 to 20 years15.0%921.7%13 
 More than 20 years70.0%4260.0%36 
  • Abbreviations: ESP, enhanced standard program; CTHS, connection to health for smokers; SD, standard deviation; GED, general educational diploma; BMI, body mass index.