Table 1.

March 2022 Anonymous Clinician Burnout Quality Improvement Survey Respondent Demographics for the Full Sample and Family Practice Clinicians by Clinician Role for the Urban and Rural Subgroups

Full Sample (n = 1,085)Family Practice Sample (n = 223)
Urban Subgroup (n = 736)Rural Subgroup (n = 349)Urban Subgroup (n = 86)Rural Subgroup (n = 137)
Total (n = 1,085)Physicians (n = 419)APCs* (n = 317)Physicians (n = 170)APCs* (n = 179)Physicians (n = 47)APCs* (n = 39)Physicians (n = 59)APCs* (n = 78)
Demographicsn (%)n (%)n (%)n (%)n (%)n (%)n (%)n (%)n (%)
 Cisgender male assigned at birth362 (33.4)193 (46.1)51 (16.1)97 (57.1)21 (11.7)17 (36.2)<529 (49.2)6 (7.7)
 Cisgender female assigned at birth609 (56.1)166 (39.6)242 (76.3)64 (37.6)137 (76.5)28 (59.6)31 (79.5)27 (45.8)65 (83.3)
 Non-binary/Transgender/ Other/Prefer not to answer69 (6.4)40 (9.6)13 (4.1)<1013 (7.3)<5<5<5<10
 Missing45 (4.2)20 (4.8)11 (3.5)<108 (4.5)<5<5<5<10
 White936 (86.3)332 (79.2)297 (93.7)140 (82.4)167 (93.3)45 (95.7)37 (94.9)54 (91.5)75 (96.2)
 Black9 (0.8)<5<5<5<50 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
 Latino/a15 (1.4)8 (1.9)<55 (2.9)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
 Asian30 (2.8)23 (5.5)<55 (2.9)<50 (0.0)0 (0.0)<50 (0.0)
 Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander<5<50 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
 American Indian/Alaska Native<50 (0.0)0 (0.0)<5<50 (0.0)0 (0.0)<5<5
 Middle Eastern/North African9 (0.8)5 (1.2)0 (0.0)<50 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
 Other race/Multiple races/ethnicities43 (4.0)23 (5.5)8 (2.5)9 (5.3)<5<5<5<5<5
 Missing race/ethnicity40 (3.7)24 (5.7)7 (2.2)<55 (2.8)<5<5<5<5
Employment type
 Full-time916 (84.4)353 (84.3)268 (84.5)141 (82.9)154 (86.0)38 (80.8)32 (82.0)49 (83.0)69 (88.5)
 Part-time169 (15.6)66 (15.8)49 (15.5)29 (17.1)25 (14.0)9 (19.2)7 (18.0)10 (17.0)9 (11.5)
 Anesthesiology86 (7.9)23 (5.5)39 (12.3)5 (2.9)19 (10.6)
 Cardiology51 (4.7)16 (3.8)24 (7.6)<57 (3.9)
 Elder Care24 (2.2)<1014 (4.4)<5<5
 Emergency Services69 (6.4)30 (7.2)<1018 (10.6)12 (6.7)
 Family Practice223 (20.6)47 (11.2)39 (12.3)59 (34.7)78 (43.6)
 General Internal Medicine31 (2.9)10 (2.4)<109 (5.3)<5
 General Pediatrics26 (2.4)13 (3.1)<106 (3.5)<5
 General Surgery32 (3.0)10 (2.4)12 (3.8)7 (4.1)<5
 Hospitalist Services66 (6.1)42 (10.0)<1015 (8.8)<5
 Neurology23 (2.1)<1013 (4.1)0 (0.0)<5
 Obstetrics & Gynecology44 (4.1)20 (4.8)12 (3.8)9 (5.3)<5
 Orthopedic Medicine/Surgery/Urgent Care42 (3.9)28 (6.7)<10<5<5
 Urgent Care37 (3.4)<1019 (6.0)5 (2.9)12 (6.7)
 Specialty <2% of Total Respondents310 (28.6)150 (35.8)104 (32.8)30 (17.6)26 (14.5)
 Missing21 (1.9)14 (3.3)<10<5<5
  • Note: Some small groups were combined and counts less than 5, and in some cases less than 10, were masked to reduce the risk of re-identification. Departments may not add up to 100% due to rounding and masking.

  • *Certified Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Certified Nurse Midwife, Clinical Nurse Specialist.

  • While respondents could select more than one gender, none did.

  • Respondents could select more than one race/ethnicity.

  • Abbreviation: APC, advanced practice clinician.