Table 1.

Calibration Details for Characteristics Based on Interview and Survey Data

CharacteristicDescriptionCalibration Rules
Ambulatory Care Sensitive Emergency Department (ACSED) visitsLow ratio of observed-to-predicted ACSED visits, with “low” defined as ≤ half as many observed visits as predicted (i.e., a 1:2 ratio)A continuous measure ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 represents ≥ 2:1 ratio, 0.5 = 1:1 ratio and 1.0 ≤ 1:2 ratio
Ambulatory Care Sensitive Hospital Admissions (ACSA)Low ratio of observed-to-predicted ACSA, with “low” defined as ≤ half as many observed visits as predicted (i.e., a 1:2 ratio)A continuous measure ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 represents ≥ 2:1 ratio, 0.5 = 1:1 ratio and 1.0 ≤ 1:2 ratio
Y5050 (composite measure defined under description)Mean of ACSED visits and ACSA(ACSED visits + ACSA)/2
Explanatory Characteristics
TrustPhysician reports high degree of trust in the staff member’s judgment1.0 = Trusts staff member very enthusiastically 0.75 = Trusts staff member but not very enthusiastically OR survey indicates a great deal of trust but not discussed in interview 0.25 =Trusts staff member only moderately 0.0 = Low level of trust
Relationship (rel)Physician and staff member both report that the staff member has a good relationship with patients1.0 = High level of trust, comfort, or rapport from patients 0.75 = Moderate level of trust, comfort, or rapport from patients 0.0 = Low level of trust, comfort, or rapport from patients
Communication (comm)Physician and staff member both report good communication in the teamletComposite-value from 0.0 to 1.0 calculated by: (“good communication” score x 0.5) + (“can the staff member speak up when they think the physician made a mistake” score x 0.3) + (“respect for each other” score x 0.2)
Proactiveness of the staff member (proactive)Staff member is highly proactive in anticipating the physician’s needs1.0 = Staff nearly always proactive and anticipates physician needs 0.75 = Staff proactive and anticipates physician needs more often than not 0.0 = Staff has little or no knowledge of physician preferences and is not proactive
ComfortPhysician and staff member both report feeling comfortable and familiar with the other1.0 = Expresses comfort and familiarity very enthusiastically 0.75 = Expresses comfort and familiarity 0.0 = Expresses significant discomfort and unfamiliarity