Appendix Table 1.

Unweighted and Unadjusted Influenza Vaccination Completion by Year by Adequate Provider Data Definitiona

YearUnweighted % (95% CI) (unadjusted adequate provider data definition)Unweighted % (95% CI) (adjusted adequate provider data definition)
201121.1 (19.7, 22.6)20.8 (19.4, 22.3)
201224.9 (23.5, 26.4)24.8 (23.4, 26.3)
201323.9 (22.6, 25.2)23.9 (22.6, 25.2)
201423.3 (22.1, 24.5)23.3 (22.1, 24.5)
201522.3 (21.2, 23.5)22.3 (21.2, 23.5)
201623.5 (21.9, 25.1)23.5 (21.9, 25.1)
201725.2 (23.4, 27.1)25.2 (23.4, 27.1)
201826.8 (25.5, 28.2)26.8 (25.5, 28.2)
201928.0 (26.1, 29.9)28.0 (26.1, 29.9)
  • Notes. aUnadjusted adequate provider data definition means calculation of unadjusted vaccination rates were based on original 2011-2013 definition of adolescents having adequate provider data in the NIS-Teen for those years. Adjusted adequate provider data definition means calculation of unadjusted vaccination rates were based on adjusted definition of adolescents having adequate provider data in 2011-2013, as per new definition proposed in 2014 and after; therefore, only vaccination rates for 2011-2013 should differ between unadjusted and adjusted adequate provider definitions (grayed rows).

  • Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.