Table 3.

Survey Responses to Mini Z 1.0 Items, Work Intentions, and Negative Work Experiences Due to Race or Gender: Full Sample and Rural versus Urban Comparisons, Including by Clinician Type

Full Sample (n = 1085)Urban Clinicians (n = 736)Rural Clinicians (n = 349)Urban Physicians (n = 419)Rural Physicians (n = 170)Urban APCs (n = 317)Rural APCs (n = 179)
Itemsn (%)Totaln (%)Totaln (%)TotalPn (%)Totaln (%)TotalPn (%)Totaln (%)TotalP
High satisfaction*765 (73.1)1047510 (72.2)706255 (74.8)3410.385279 (70.3)397122 (73.1)1670.507231 (74.8)309133 (76.4)1740.681
High stress*632 (60.4)1047429 (60.8)706203 (59.5)3410.702249 (62.7)39792 (55.1)1670.091180 (58.3)309111 (63.8)1740.232
Burnout485 (46.3)1047332 (47.0)706153 (44.9)3410.512193 (48.6)39765 (38.9)1670.035139 (45.0)30988 (50.6)1740.237
Values alignment*728 (71.4)1020500 (72.8)687228 (68.5)3330.153295 (75.4)391117 (72.2)1620.428205 (69.3)296111 (64.9)1710.334
Lack of workload control438 (42.9)1020300 (43.7)687138 (41.4)3330.501183 (46.8)39168 (42.0)1620.299117 (39.5)29670 (40.9)1710.765
EMR time pressure399 (39.1)1020270 (39.3)687129 (38.7)3330.863162 (41.4)39165 (40.1)1620.776108 (36.5)29664 (37.4)1710.839
High teamwork§881 (86.4)1020592 (86.2)687289 (86.8)3330.788337 (86.2)391145 (89.5)1620.289255 (86.1)296144 (84.2)1710.567
Chaotic work atmosphere487 (47.7)1020350 (50.9)687137 (41.1)3330.003202 (51.7)39165 (40.1)1620.013148 (50.0)29672 (42.1)1710.100
High home EMR281 (27.5)1020183 (26.6)68798 (29.4)3330.349110 (28.1)39155 (34.0)1620.17473 (24.7)29643 (25.1)1710.907
Intent to leave practice in 2 years#398 (39.0)1020263 (38.3)687135 (40.5)3330.488152 (38.9)39171 (43.8)1620.280111 (37.5)29664 (37.4)1710.987
Negative work experiences due to:
 Race**11 (1.1)10148 (1.2)6823 (0.9)††3320.4898 (2.1)3873 (1.9)††1620.5840 (0.0)2950 (0.0)170‡‡
 Gender**69 (6.8)101252 (7.6)68217 (5.2)3300.14336 (9.3)38811 (6.8)1610.35116 (5.4)2946 (3.6)1690.357
  • Note: χ2 analyses. P < .05 are bolded. Percentages rounded to nearest tenth decimal place.

  • *Agree/Strongly Agree.

  • I am definitely burning out and have one or more symptoms of burnout, e.g. emotional exhaustion/The symptoms of burnout that I’m experiencing won’t go away. I think about work frustrations a lot/I feel completely burned out. I am at the point where I may need to seek help.

  • Poor/Marginal.

  • §Satisfactory/Good/Optimal.

  • Very Busy/Hectic, Chaotic.

  • Moderately High/Excessive.

  • #Moderate/Likely/Definite.

  • **Frequently/Fairly Often.

  • ††Fisher’s exact test.

  • ‡‡Not applicable.

  • Abbreviations: APC, Advanced Practice Clinician; EMR, Electronic medical record; Total, Total responses for the respective item for each group (excludes non-responses).