Survey Responses to Mini Z 1.0 Items, Work Intentions, and Negative Work Experiences Due to Race or Gender: Full Sample and Rural versus Urban Comparisons, Including by Clinician Type
Full Sample (n = 1085) | Urban Clinicians (n = 736) | Rural Clinicians (n = 349) | Urban Physicians (n = 419) | Rural Physicians (n = 170) | Urban APCs (n = 317) | Rural APCs (n = 179) | |||||||||||
Items | n (%) | Total | n (%) | Total | n (%) | Total | P | n (%) | Total | n (%) | Total | P | n (%) | Total | n (%) | Total | P |
High satisfaction* | 765 (73.1) | 1047 | 510 (72.2) | 706 | 255 (74.8) | 341 | 0.385 | 279 (70.3) | 397 | 122 (73.1) | 167 | 0.507 | 231 (74.8) | 309 | 133 (76.4) | 174 | 0.681 |
High stress* | 632 (60.4) | 1047 | 429 (60.8) | 706 | 203 (59.5) | 341 | 0.702 | 249 (62.7) | 397 | 92 (55.1) | 167 | 0.091 | 180 (58.3) | 309 | 111 (63.8) | 174 | 0.232 |
Burnout† | 485 (46.3) | 1047 | 332 (47.0) | 706 | 153 (44.9) | 341 | 0.512 | 193 (48.6) | 397 | 65 (38.9) | 167 | 0.035 | 139 (45.0) | 309 | 88 (50.6) | 174 | 0.237 |
Values alignment* | 728 (71.4) | 1020 | 500 (72.8) | 687 | 228 (68.5) | 333 | 0.153 | 295 (75.4) | 391 | 117 (72.2) | 162 | 0.428 | 205 (69.3) | 296 | 111 (64.9) | 171 | 0.334 |
Lack of workload control‡ | 438 (42.9) | 1020 | 300 (43.7) | 687 | 138 (41.4) | 333 | 0.501 | 183 (46.8) | 391 | 68 (42.0) | 162 | 0.299 | 117 (39.5) | 296 | 70 (40.9) | 171 | 0.765 |
EMR time pressure‡ | 399 (39.1) | 1020 | 270 (39.3) | 687 | 129 (38.7) | 333 | 0.863 | 162 (41.4) | 391 | 65 (40.1) | 162 | 0.776 | 108 (36.5) | 296 | 64 (37.4) | 171 | 0.839 |
High teamwork§ | 881 (86.4) | 1020 | 592 (86.2) | 687 | 289 (86.8) | 333 | 0.788 | 337 (86.2) | 391 | 145 (89.5) | 162 | 0.289 | 255 (86.1) | 296 | 144 (84.2) | 171 | 0.567 |
Chaotic work atmosphere‖ | 487 (47.7) | 1020 | 350 (50.9) | 687 | 137 (41.1) | 333 | 0.003 | 202 (51.7) | 391 | 65 (40.1) | 162 | 0.013 | 148 (50.0) | 296 | 72 (42.1) | 171 | 0.100 |
High home EMR¶ | 281 (27.5) | 1020 | 183 (26.6) | 687 | 98 (29.4) | 333 | 0.349 | 110 (28.1) | 391 | 55 (34.0) | 162 | 0.174 | 73 (24.7) | 296 | 43 (25.1) | 171 | 0.907 |
Intent to leave practice in 2 years# | 398 (39.0) | 1020 | 263 (38.3) | 687 | 135 (40.5) | 333 | 0.488 | 152 (38.9) | 391 | 71 (43.8) | 162 | 0.280 | 111 (37.5) | 296 | 64 (37.4) | 171 | 0.987 |
Negative work experiences due to: | |||||||||||||||||
Race** | 11 (1.1) | 1014 | 8 (1.2) | 682 | 3 (0.9)†† | 332 | 0.489 | 8 (2.1) | 387 | 3 (1.9)†† | 162 | 0.584 | 0 (0.0) | 295 | 0 (0.0) | 170 | ‡‡ |
Gender** | 69 (6.8) | 1012 | 52 (7.6) | 682 | 17 (5.2) | 330 | 0.143 | 36 (9.3) | 388 | 11 (6.8) | 161 | 0.351 | 16 (5.4) | 294 | 6 (3.6) | 169 | 0.357 |
Note: χ2 analyses. P < .05 are bolded. Percentages rounded to nearest tenth decimal place.
↵*Agree/Strongly Agree.
↵†I am definitely burning out and have one or more symptoms of burnout, e.g. emotional exhaustion/The symptoms of burnout that I’m experiencing won’t go away. I think about work frustrations a lot/I feel completely burned out. I am at the point where I may need to seek help.
↵‖Very Busy/Hectic, Chaotic.
¶Moderately High/Excessive.
**Frequently/Fairly Often.
††Fisher’s exact test.
‡‡Not applicable.
Abbreviations: APC, Advanced Practice Clinician; EMR, Electronic medical record; Total, Total responses for the respective item for each group (excludes non-responses).