Table 2.

Estimates of Multivariate and Univariate Logistic Regression Models (n = 200)

VariableSub-CategoryOR – Multivariate Model (95% CI)Adjusted p-ValueOR – Univariate Model (95% CI)Adjusted p-Value
Number of 1st Degree Relatives with Breast Cancer8.82 (3.7, 22.91)<0.0013.86 (1.99, 7.63)0.002
Number of 2nd Degree Relatives with Breast Cancer2.54 (1.5, 4.52)0.0131.3 (0.87, 1.95)1
Age at 1st Live BirthHas not given birth1 (referent)0.0031 (referent)0.003
29 or younger0.32 (0.13, 0.76)0.41 (0.19, 0.87)
30 or older1.94 (0.83, 4.65)1.82 (0.84, 4.01)
  • Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.