Table 2.

Reasons for Non-Clearance, Stratified by Gender

Genderχ2/Fisher’s Exact Test
Total N (%)Female N (%)Male N (%)
Reasons for Non-clearance (n = 170)
 Vision71 (41.8%)29 (38.7%)42 (44.2%)2.19, P = .14
 Heart43 (25.3%)17 (22.7%)26 (27.4%)
 Orthopedic31 (18.2%)19 (25.3%)a12 (12.6%)b
 Medical17 (10.0%)8 (10.7%)9 (9.5%)
 Multiple Reasons8 (4.7%)2 (2.7%)6 (6.3%)
Total N (%)Female N (%)Male N (%)χ2/Fisher’s Exact Test
Subcategory Analysis for Vision Reasons (n = 71)
 Vision Non-Glasses Related44 (62.0%)15 (51.7%)29 (69.0%)2.19, P = .14
 Vision Due to Glasses27 (38.0%)14 (48.3%)13 (31.0%)
Total N (%)Female N (%)Male N (%)χ2/Fisher’s Exact Test
Subcategory Analysis for Heart Reasons (n = 43)
 Cardiac29 (67.4%)16 (94.1%)a13 (50.0%)b9.11, P < .01
 Blood Pressure14 (32.6%)1 (5.9%)a13 (50.0%)b
  • Notes: The reported % are column percentages. asignificantly different from males at 0.05 level based on post hoc Bonferroni test, bsignificantly different from females at 0.05 level based on post hoc Bonferroni test.