Table 1.

Survey of FQHC Nurses and Clinicians, April 2021, on the Buprenorphine Standing Order Protocols (BSP)

What is your role?MD/DO/PA/NP: 24 (out of 41 possible respondents) RN: 7 (out of 36 possible respondents)
Declined to specify: 1
Are you aware of the BSP?Yes: 23, No: 9
(Of those who are aware of the BSP): Have you used the BSP, either authorizing them as a prescriber, or employing them to help a patient with a refill as a RN?Yes: 15, No: 8
Do you have any safety concerns with the BSP? If so, please describe.No: 100%
Respondents who have used the BSP (n=15) rated the following statements on a 5-item Likert scale:Completely AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeCompletely Disagree
The BSP is effective at promoting a team-based care approach66.7%33.3%0%0%0%
The BSP has increased patient access to buprenorphine refills80%13.3%6.7%0%0%
The BSP increased my satisfaction providing care for patients with opioid use disorder*64.3%21.4%14.3%0%0%
Statements derived from the System Usability Scale:Completely AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeCompletely Disagree
I would like to use the BSP frequently in my practice53.3%46.7%0%0%0%
I find the BSP unnecessarily complex6.7%6.7%13.3%60%13.3%
I find the BSP easy to use*35.7%50%7.1%7.1%0%
I think I need more support to use the BSP well*7.1%21.4%0%21.4%50%
I find the BSP to be clear, and algorithmic*35.7%35.7%28.6%0%0%
I think there is too much inconsistency with use of the BSP*7.1%7.1%35.7%35.7%14.3%
I imagine most people could learn to quickly use the BSP*21.4%57.1%21.4%0%0%
I find the BSP cumbersome to use*7.1%0%0%21.4%71.4%
I feel confident using the BSP*35.7%42.9%7.1%14.3%0%
I needed to learn a lot of things before I could use the BSP*7.1%7.1%14.3%57.1%14.3%
  • *Only 14 of 15 eligible respondents provided an answer.

  • This respondent reported being unaware of the protocols.

  • Abbreviations: FQHC, Federally qualified health centers; MD, Medical doctors; DO, Doctors of osteopathic medicine; PA, Physician assistants; NP, Nurse practitioners.