Table 3.

Adjusted Associations Between Personal and Practice Characteristics with Income for Early-Career Family Physicians, 2016–2020: Model 1

Independent VariableIncome Coef./(Std. Err.)P value
Gender: Woman−$33,522 (1475)0.001
 Ref: Man
Weekly Hours Worked$500 (40)0.001
Degree Type: D.O.$579 (1864)0.756
 Ref: M.D.
Principal Professional Activity
 Ref: Continuity Care
 Emergency Medicine$133,608 (4341)0.001
 Geriatrics−$482 (12,888)0.970
 Hospitalist$55,815 (2627)0.001
 Palliative Care$6,541 (8649)0.449
 Sports Medicine$6,815 (9081)0.453
 Urgent Care$10,646 (3565)0.003
 Other−$33,661 (6993)0.001
Population Density: Rural$23,000 (2020)0.001
 Ref: Urban
 Midwest$5,169 (2018)0.010
 Northeast−$15,489 (2395)0.001
 South−$645 (1843)0.726
 Ref: West
  • Note: Data collected by the ABFM from board-certified Diplomates three years after completing residency. Incomes have been adjusted for inflation using the CPI-U to reflect their value in 2020 dollars.