Appendix 3.

Adjusted Associations Between Personal and Practice Characteristics with Income for Early-Career Family Physicians Including Race and Ethnicity, 20172020: Model 2

Independent VariableIncome Coef./(Std. Err.)P value
Gender: Woman−$31,188 (1,615)0.001
 Ref: Man
Weekly Hours Worked$683 (52)0.001
Degree Type: D.O.$1,076 (1,995)0.590
 Ref: M.D.
Continuity Care$10,319 (4,560)0.024
 Ref: Non-Continuity Care
Population Density: Rural$19,541 (2,370)0.001
 Ref: Urban
 Midwest−$3,803 (1,999)0.040
 Northeast−$16,968 (2,350)0.001
 South−$4,016 (1,830)0.051
 Ref: West
Principal Practice Site
 Academic Health Center/Faculty Practice−$27,454 (2,591)0.001
 Federal−$90,373 (3,819)0.001
 Federally Qualified Health Center or Look-Alike−$38,089 (2,626)0.001
 Government Clinic, Non-Federal−$32,782 (6,551)0.001
 Independently Owned Medical Practice−$14,448 (2,544)0.001
 Indian Health Service−$33,605 (8,109)0.001
 Managed Care/HMO Practice$6,526 (3,328)0.050
 Rural Health Clinic (Federally Qualified)$3,878 (4,111)0.346
 Work Site Clinic−$11,893 (7,172)0.097
 Other−$23,694 (5,293)0.001
 Ref: Hospital/Health System Owned Medical Practice
 Asian−$4,050 (2,081)0.052
 Black or African American−$4,197 (3,267)0.199
 Other−$4,051 (4,661)0.385
 Ref: White
Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino$3,014 (2,912)0.301
 Ref: Not Hispanic or Latino
  • Abbreviation: HMO, Health maintenance organizations.

  • Note: Data collected by the ABFM from board-certified Diplomates three years after completing residency. Incomes have been adjusted for inflation using the CPI-U to reflect their value in 2020 dollars.