Appendix Table 7.

Risk Group Statistics for the Models Built Using the Patient Data

Derivation groupValidation group
Flu/Total (%)LRIn Group (%)Flu/Total (%)LRIn Group (%)
Conditional inference tree (manual)
 Low3/43 (7.0)0.124.78/22 (36.4)0.528.9
 Moderate17/39 (43.6)0.822.48/13 (61.5)1.517.1
 High68/92 (73.9)2.852.923/41 (56.1)1.253.9
Naive Bayes classifier
 Low0/2 (0.0)0.01.10/0 (NA)NA0.0
 Moderate0/10 (0.0)0.05.70/5 (0.0)0.06.6
 High88/162 (54.3)1.293.139/71 (54.9)1.293.4
LASSO score
 Low5/41 (12.2)0.123.67/23 (30.4)0.430.7
 Moderate20/49 (40.8)0.728.29/12 (75.0)2.816.0
 High63/84 (75.0)2.948.323/40 (57.5)1.253.3
  • Abbreviations: LASSO, Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator; LR, stratum-specific likelihood ratio.

  • Notes: We assigned risk groups using a 25% testing threshold and a 60% treatment threshold.