Table 2.

Encounters with a Recommendation to Start a Hypertension, Diabetes, Statin, or Tobacco Cessation Medication Stratified by Those Where a Prescription Was versus Was Not Written Within 1 Week of Encounter

All Encounters with a Recommendation (n = 106,769)Recommendations with a Prescription Within 1 Week (n = 35,078)Recommendations with No Prescription Within 1 Week (n = 71,691)p-Value
 Intervention - CDS Used15.216.214.7
 Intervention - CDS Not Used42.241.242.6
Encounter Risk
 Avg. Reversible Risk (SD)10.4 (10.3)11.5 (11.4)9.8 (9.7)<0.001
 Avg. 10-Year ASCVD Risk (SD)17.2 (12.8)17.9 (13.4)16.8 (12.4)<0.001
Avg. Age at Encounter, years (SD)58.5 (8.8)57.9 (8.7)58.8 (8.8)<0.001
Avg. No. Visits During Study (SD)7.1 (6.2)7.1 (5.8)7.1 (6.3)<0.001
 Unknown Ethnicity3.63.43.7
Insurance at Encounter<0.001
 Other Public3.03.52.7
FPL at Encounter<0.001
Avg Appt Length (mins)<0.001
 5 to 15 minutes17.717.417.9
 ≥20 minutes82.082.281.9
Avg Time Behind Schedule (mins)0.024
 ≤10 minutes76.075.676.2
 >10 minutes24.024.423.8
  • Abbreviations: CDS, Clinical decision support; SD, Standard deviation; FPL, Federal poverty level; ASCVD, Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

  • *Other race includes American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, those who selected more than one race, and all other race.